
See the Vision

Jesus intentionally unsettled the majority by moving toward the marginal. Imagine your church living like that. Imagine your church as a safe place for hurting people to come to Jesus for help. Picture SSA strugglers being honest and open about their temptations in the same way all of us are called to be honest and open. Envision a sermon series that breaks the SSA silence and equips your people to interact humbly and boldly with their struggling brothers and sisters and lost neighbors.

Let Us Help

For a church to move toward this vision, the leadership must be united.  Loveintolight.com wants to help. If you have read the book Love Into Light and would like for some of your fellow leaders to unite with you in communicating this vision to your church, consider using Love Into Light as a resource to unite and prepare your leaders.   We would encourage you to select a few chapters that are most relevant to your church, ask your fellow leaders to read those, and then discuss them as you pray about a sermon series on SSA.

Pray for Change

When you move toward people in the shadows with love and light, the enemy will seek to sow fear, division and discouragement. Prayer is vital. Teams of intercessors who pray for boldness and transformation as the Word is preached make a difference. What the enemy seeks to use to divide and destroy is turned into a vehicle of unity and life. We have seen God use controversial sermon series in many surprising ways!