Helpful Articles
SSA & the Bible
God, the Gospel, and the Gay Challenge — A Response to Matthew Vines
Dr. Al Mohler responds to Matthew Vines’ book God and the Gay Christian, in which Vines claims that the Bible does not condemn all homosexual acts as sinful.
Are All Sins Equally Heinous? A Response to Barnabas Piper,
Christians ought not to be chided for challenging homosexuality more than other sins.
Why is Homosexuality Wrong?
John Piper answers the title question and makes a helpful distinction between temptation and sin for those who battle unwanted same-sex attraction.
The Church and the ‘Clobber Scriptures’ — The Bible on Homosexuality
Is it “clobbering” people to point out that Scripture identifies their behavior as sinful?
SSA & the Church
Equipped to Counsel, Part Two: Equipping Counselors for Your Church
What qualifies a person for biblical counseling?
Equipped to Counsel, Part One: How We Do Biblical Counseling Training In Our Congregation
How do we train and raise up balanced counselors in our congregations?
A Christian Psychology of and Response to Homosexuality
What should I say to a friend or a son or daughter if they come to me and say, “I think I’m gay”?
Loving the Gay Community
Why Homosexuality Is Not Like Other Sins
Jonathan Parnell discusses the unique message that Christians have to offer in the homosexuality debate.
SSA in the News
University Vindicates Mark Regnerus
Study shows that parents’ homosexual relationships can have negative effects on children.
Column: Does It Matter If Only 1.4% Of People Are Gay?
New study finds only 1.4% of the population identifying with same-sex orientation.
Dig Deeper: Small Numbers, Big Influence
How many lesbian- and gay-identified people live in America? The answer might surprise you.
Following Jesus While Rejecting the Bible?
The Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to ordain openly homosexual candidates to its ministry.